Category Kalma

6 Kalma Radde Kufr

6 Kalma Radde Kufr

The literal meaning of the word “Radde Kufr” is to “Reject the disbelief or to step back from the infidelity”. After the First, Second, Third, Fourth, and the Fifth Kalima, the Sixth Kalma Radde Kufr is the last Kalima of…

5 Kalima Astaghfar

5 Kalima Astaghfar

The fifth Kalima Astaghfar, also known as the Kalima Astaghfar, is a declaration seeking forgiveness from Allah in Islam. It is recited by Muslims to seek repentance for their sins and to ask for Allah’s forgiveness. The fifth Kalima Astaghfar…

4 Kalma Tauheed

4 Kalma Tauheed

The fourth Kalima Tauheed, also known as the Kalima Tauheed, is a declaration of the oneness of Allah in Islam. It is recited by Muslims to affirm their belief in the unity and uniqueness of Allah. The fourth Kalima Tauheed…

3rd Kalma Tamjeed

3rd Kalma Tamjeed

The Third Kalima Tamjeed, also known as the Kalima Tamjeed, is a declaration of the glorification of Allah in Islam. It is recited by Muslims to praise and acknowledge the greatness of Allah. The third Kalima Tamjeed is as follows:…

2nd Kalma Shahadat

2nd Kalma Shahadat

The second Kalima Shahadat, also known as the Shahada, is a declaration of faith in Islam. It is recited by Muslims as a testament to their belief in the oneness of Allah (God) and the prophethood of Muhammad. The second…

1 Kalma Tayyab

1 Kalma Tayyab

La Ilaha Illa Allah, Muhammad Rasool Allah,” which translates to “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.” This phrase is known as the Shahada or the Islamic declaration of faith, and it is considered…